The Mamertine Prison
Prison of the Apostles Peter and Paul
The Mamertine Prison is Rome’s oldest prison, for many centuries a maximum security penitentiary for the enemies of Rome awaiting execution.
Also known as the Carcer Tullianum, it is the place where, according to tradition, the Apostles Peter and Paul lived their last days before being executed.
From this place, their journey towards martyrdom began: Peter towards the Circus of Nero, in the area of the Vatican Hill, and Paul, towards the Aquae Salviae, on the Via Laurentina.
The Mamertine Prison is a unique place reminding us of the implacable justice of Rome against its internal and external enemies.
Headquarter Offices
Palazzo del Vicariato Vecchio
Via della Pigna, 13/a - 00186 Rome ITALY
Monday to Friday
9 AM to 1 PM and 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM (Rome time)
Office at St. John Lateran
Palazzo Lateranense - Diocesan Offices
Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni, 6 - 00184 Rome ITALY
Monday to Friday
9 AM to 1 PM
Office at St. Peter's
Piazza Pio XII, 9 (Saint Peter Square) - 00193 Rome ITALY
Monday to Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Rome time)
Sundays CLOSED