Pilgrimages to the Eternal City

Experiences for those who wish to discover the artistic, cultural and religious heritage of Rome.
Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi can make your stay in Rome a unique spiritual experience,
without you having to worry about where to stay overnight,
in a manner that will meet your needs and desires. 

Pellegrinaggio per il Giubileo di Roma 2025

La proposta di Pellegrinaggio dedicata al Giubileo di Roma 2025 prevede un programma di 3 giorni e 2 notti, con partenze di gruppo garantite con minimo 10 partecipanti.

L'iniziativa include il passaggio della Porta Santa e altre attività giubilari, combinate a visite guidate e momenti di convivialità e catechesi. Tariffe da € 265 per persona.


A day as a pilgrim in Rome

A pilgrimage with participation in the General Audience or the Angelus or other events with the Holy Father.

You can add to the experience a panoramic ride on our open bus, a guided visit, a catechesis, an enjoyable meal...

One or more nights as a pilgrim in Rome

A pilgrimage with one or more overnight stays, together with offers from Vatican&Rome, which can be combined with pilgrimage experiences offered by ORP.

Your stay can become even more significant by participating in the General Audience, in the Angelus or in other events with the Holy Father.


Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi will welcome you from the moment you arrive in Rome, and will accompany you every step of the way as you discover the history, the art and the traditions of the Eternal City, and we will offer our assistance for both the technical organization and for the spiritual experience.

You can tailor your trip to suit your desires so that the experience will be the right one for you.

A spiritual assistant will be available for catechesis and for the celebration of Mass throughout the length of your stay.

For more information please write to romacristiana@orpnet.org

Our offices
Headquarter Offices
Palazzo del Vicariato Vecchio

Via della Pigna, 13/a - 00186 Rome ITALY

Monday to Friday
9 AM to 1 PM and 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM  (Rome time)


Office at St. John Lateran
Palazzo Lateranense - Diocesan Offices

Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni, 6 - 00184 Rome ITALY

Monday to Friday
9 AM to 1 PM

Office at St. Peter's

Piazza Pio XII, 9 (Saint Peter Square) - 00193 Rome ITALY

Monday to Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Rome time)
Sundays CLOSED

Call an operator

+39 06 69896.1

Monday to Friday

9 AM - 1 PM and 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM  (Rome time)



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